ATTENTION: We are aware of a fake crowdfunding campaign in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) created by a group of fraudsters. BayWa r.e. has no business interests in the DRC. This is a scam and in no way connected to our business. You can contact us on this topic at DRC(at)

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BayWa r.e. France SAS

105 rue La Fayette
75010 Paris
Tel: 01 55 31 49 80
Fax: 01 55 31 49 88

S.A.S au capital de 200 000 euros
SIREN 503 450 462 RCS Paris
APE: 7112B

Published by:
BayWa r.e. France SAS

Director of publication: 
Martina Dabo

noris network AG
Thomas-Mann-Str. 16-20
90471 Nuremberg

+49 911 9352-0

Photo credits: 

Construction solar park: en/solar/projects/turnkey-construction/ © Florian Hauser /
Man inside turbine: /en/services/project-support/technical-consulting/ © Florian Hauser /
Lighthouse: /en/company/about-baywa-re/ © shaunl / iStock
Wind turbines on hills: /en/company/about-baywa-re/company-information/ © chinaface / iStock
Wind turbines, solar panels, sunset: /en/ © westcowboy / iStock
Flags: /en/company/about-baywa-re/ © AdrianHancu / iStock
Maintenance, Drone: /en/services/maintenance/drone-inspection/ © Christian Frumolt
Floating PV: /en/solar/projects/floating-pv/ © Media Heerenveen 
Report, Paper: /en/solar/projects/project-development/ © Christian Frumolt
Hand,Pen: /en/wind/projects/project-development/ © Christian Frumolt
Turnkey construction: /en/wind/projects/turnkey-construction/ © The world is drone
Hand, Paper, Meeting, People:  /en/services/project-support/finance-investment/ © Christian Frumolt
Technicians, Solar: /en/services/operations-management/technical-management-solar/ © Christian Frumolt
Meeting, Whiteboard: /en/services/project-support/technical-consulting/ © Christian Frumolt
Chair, People, Led Light: /en/company/about-baywa-re/sustainability/  © Atmosfair
Forestation : /en/company/about-baywa-re/sustainability/  © Climate Partner
Technician, Solar park, Module: /en/company/about-baywa-re/sustainability/ © Zukunftswerk
Hand, Grass: /en/company/about-baywa-re/sustainability/ © Gettyimages
Meeting, People: /en/services/operations-management/commercial-management/ © Christian Frumolt
Solar installers: /en/solar/projects/turnkey-construction/ © Christian Frumolt
Maintenance technician: /en/services/maintenance/ © Christian Frumolt

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